Monday, December 9, 2013


It was Pretty Crazy with Ansley over the weekend! He was literally whining non-stop, especially on Sunday!

Carry… Hug… Scold…. Sayang…. We have tried everything single thing we could, but he simply don’t stop!

The interesting thing out of the WHINY SAGA is that Ansley is actually a very sweet and sensitive kid! He seems to know when is the right time to whine and when to stop.

During our Sunday Class at HAPPY TRAIN, he was whining in the beginning. But when his classmates are crying and behaving hysterically, he JUST STOP! He seems to understand that he should not add-on to the tension in the classroom.

After class, we went home and I started cooking for dinner! Cooking two different types of Carbonara – Popi version and Baby version – almost drives me crazy! Saw my hectic action in the kitchen through the glass door, Ansley seems to know that Momi is busy. Instead of whining, he starts turning circle to show me and giggle as he turns… SO CUTE!

The SWEETEST MOMENT came during dinner! Dinner is served, but I need to feed Ansley first, so my food is left untouched. Halfway through feeding, Ansley started pointing and talk to me loudly! At first, I thought he is starting his whining regime. But he kept pointing at my pasta, so I asked, “Are you asking Momi to take my food?” and he nodded his head.

I AM SUPER TOUCH! Ansley is only 17.5 months old and yet he understand the concept of caring. And especially caring for Momi, I almost gone into tears!

Through this incident, I truly believe no matter how bad the day is, our child is like an angel to us! This little angels might be naughty, but they will love you and care for you no matter what!